From the 7th till the 9th of February Made Blue visited Ethiopia with their ambassadors. Niels van der Sanden represented i-team Global during this trip. From 2016 Made Blue has been investing in the project Making Water Everybody’s Business (MWEB). This is a project of Amref Flying Doctors. We have personally experienced the impact of the investment in this project. It were intense days and we visited various places like Addis Ababa, Adama, Metehara and Awash. In those places clean drinking water and sanitation has been realized by this project called MWEB in short. The group was very inspired and impressed by how the WASH kiosks are run by people in the local communities. We now know that WASH facilities make a huge difference and that contributions like these to the local communities are so valuable. We can make a real impact in this project as an ambassador of Made Blue. The goal of Amref Flying Doctors: to provide all households in Ethiopia with clean drinking water and good sanitation before 2035.